Mr. J. K. Tiwari


JK Public School stands committed to provide value-based quality education of global standards to the students. Our Country is the land of a very diverse and rich cultural heritage. With the advent of modern science and technology, a sea change has taken place in our society. The need of the hour is, thus, to provide an educational system which amalgamates the aspirations of the present generation without distorting our value system. Needless to stress, the educational system has to keep pace with change in socio-economic order with an eye on scientific temper without hampering the spiritual growth.

We at JK Public School, aim to develop an integrated personality of our students by providing a holistic education . It shall be our endeavor to promote an educational ambience conducive to the growth of a child so that the student transforms from a mere physical form to an intellectual individual.

The aim is to help the students in developing physical and spiritual facets of their personality.